Wormrot "Dirge" CD
- No One Gives A Shit
- Compulsive Disposition
- All Go No Emo
- Public Display Of Infection
- Overpowered Violence
- Semiconscious Godsize Dumbass
- Spot A Pathetic
- Evolved Into Nothing
- Butt Krieg Is Showing
- Fucking Fierce So What
- Ferocious Bombardment
- Principle Of The Puppet Warfare
- Deceased Occupation
- Waste Of Time
- Stench Of Ignorance
- Meteor To The Face
- Addicts Of Misery
- You Suffer But Why Is It My Problem
- Erased Existence
- Back Stabber Mission Aborted
- Destruct The Bastards
- Plunged Into Illusions
- Manipulation
- A Dead Issue
- The Final Insult